Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Green Collar Jobs at EarthMatters

Green Collar Jobs Informational Session to be
Held at Nashville’s Carver Food Park

Nashville, TN. EarthMatters Tennessee and the Green Collar Jobs Task Force of Middle Tennessee invite all interested people to come out and learn about upcoming opportunities and strategies to get involved in the Middle Tennessee green jobs movement.

This gathering will take place at the Geo. W. Carver Food Park located at 1001 Gale Lane in South Nashville from 10 am - 1pm. The Park, managed by local non-profit EarthMatters Tennessee, has been the site of the annual Green Power Day each September for the last 7 years. In 2008 the Green Jobs Now National Day of Action along with Greenpeace’s Rolling Sunlight Tour took place at the Park.

In April 2008, Task Force members, and presenters Nell Levin (TN Alliance For Progress) and Sizwe Herring (EarthMatters Tennessee) joined 1,100 people from across the country for the Green For All conference in Memphis. National leaders such as Van Jones and Majora Carter spoke passionately about the green economy issues and opportunities. Van Jones has gone on to become a special Green Jobs director with the Obama administration.

Speakers from various related fields will present overviews of their businesses and organizations and participants will weigh in on the solutions to their individual and community barriers to employment. This will help form the wrap around services for the trainees such as child care, transportation, legal issues and more.

Scheduled speakers include Ms. Shavaun Evans (Food Security Partners of Middle Tennessee), John Zirker (Nashville Homeless Power Project), Sarah Bellos (Nashville Urban Harvest), Clemmie Greenlee, (Galaxy Star), Ama McIntosh (The Climate Project), and others.


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December 14, 2009 at 9:16 AM  

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