Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why I'm Marching on the Pentagon

"Why I'm Marching on the Pentagon" by Aidan Delgado

Aidan Delgado was the first person to expose the torture being carried out at Abu Ghraib by the U.S. Army.

"As a veteran of Iraq and Abu Ghraib prison, I'm joining this march to remind the public that even in this time of hope, when progressive policies seem just around the corner, the Iraq War is still something we should vocally protest ... Although U.S. administrations may change, the war continues, and it is our duty as citizens to ensure that this new administration changes course and lives up to its campaign promises. As a veteran, I want to send a message that the peace movement has always supported soldiers in the most meaningful way possible: by bringing them home from a war that should never have been waged."

Upon release from the Army, Aidan Delgado was the first person to expose the torture being carried out at Abu Ghraib by the U.S. Army. Aidan had done a year-long tour in Iraq from April 2003 to April 2004 before becoming a conscientious objector. He was stationed at Abu Ghraib for six of the 12 months he spent in Iraq.


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