Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Unsinkable Atheism

14th Annual Atheist Alliance International (AAI) Convention
September 25-28, 2008 - on the historic Queen Mary, in Long Beach.

Featured Guests include: Michael Shermer, P. Z. Myers, Michael Newdow, Eddie Tabash, Julia Sweeney, Herb Silverman, Mikey Weinstein, Jeremy Hall, Lori Lipman Brown, and Ellen Johnson.

Get all the details and register here.....

Space is limited and last year sold out FAST!

Summary of events....

Thursday night

A secular wedding and reception featuring DJ Kelli G. and Professional dancer John Edwards

Friday - "Atheists In Foxholes"

Margaret Downey (AAI president)

Herb Silverman (President of the Secular Coalition for America)

Carlos Bertha (associate professor of philosophy - US Air Force Academy),

Kathleen Johnson (American Atheists Military Director),

Jason Torpy (president of Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers)

Mikey Weinstein (founder and president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and

Specialist Jeremy Hall will receive the first "Valiant Atheist Medallion of Honor."

Late-night concert of "Freethinking Music" featuring original music by Joel Pelletier.

Saturday workshops....

Jennifer Bardi ~ Editor of Humanist magazine

"Anchoring Your Atheist Story"

August Berkshire ~ President of Minnesota Atheists

"Catching the Wave: Start Your Own Atheist Radio Show"

M. J. Christensen ~ Co-Founder of Scouting for All

"Throwing Prejudice and Bigotry Overboard"

James Underdown ~ Executive Director of the Center for Inquiry-Los Angeles

"Navigating the Media"

Lori Lipman Brown & Sasha Bartolf ~ Secular Coalition for America

"All Hands on Deck for Political Tempests"

Troy Conrad ~ Comedian

"Manning the Humor Lifeboat"

August Brunsman ~ Executive Director of the Secular Student Alliance

"Singing your Siren's Song on Social Networking Sites"

Ellen Johnson ~ Executive Director of the Godless Americans Political Action Committee

"Let's Weigh Anchor and Start Using Our Power as Secular Citizens"

Cathe Jones ~ Writer and Humorist

"Atheists and Loss: Navigating Grief"

Saturday Afternoon and Evening...

Julia Sweeney will give the 2008 Richard Dawkins Award to a secret person.

Jill Sobule will sing a special song to the honoree.

Michael Shermer ~ Publisher of Skeptic Magazine

"Chicken Soup for the Atheist's Soul: Finding Spirituality in a Godless Universe"

P. Z. Myers ~ Biologist, University of Minnesota

"Science as an Instrument of Change"

Michael Newdow ~ Attorney and Physician

"Establishment Clause: Floaters and Sinkers"

Eddie Tabash, Esquire (who made a gallant run for the California State Assembly in 2000) "Electing Atheists to Public Office."

Video presentation of Congressman Pete Stark accepting the first annual AAI "Freedom of Conscience Award

After the formal speeches, stay for a musical presentation of Religiomania by Michele Rundgren, Debra Ryll, and Wanda Plimmer.

Sunday Morning

Annie Laurie Gaylor, Margaret Downey, Kathleen Johnson and Bobbie Kirkhart present opinions about why women must be encouraged to be from religion.

You Can Bring the Kids....Mini - Camp Quest - on site!

Chris Lindstrom and Amanda Metskas will run a Mini Camp Quest for the children of conventioneers. Reservations are required and can be done at the AAI website. Children ages 6-13 are welcome.

Get all the details and register here.....


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