Wednesday, September 19, 2007

TAP Hosting Progressive Thought

The next meeting of TAP's Progressive Thought Discussion Group will be September 24th, 7 pm to 8:30 pm at a NEW LOCATION, Eastwood Christian Church, corner of 16th Street and Eastland Avenue in East Nashville (map). Our topic for September 24 is: BE THE RED PILL.

In the film "The Matrix" the perceived world is an illusion generated by a computer that everyone's plugged into, and reality (of which none are aware) is very different. Early in the movie, the main character is offered a choice to take a blue pill and continue his dreaming existence, or to take a red pill and wake up. He takes the red pill, gets hip to reality, and joins the resistance. The illusion of The Matrix is an apt metaphor for the 24/7 Faux News spin cycle too many are caught in. To bring progressive social change, we must find ways to communicate like Red Pills and help others awaken from corporatist illusions and to the better reality that awaits. Facilitators Susan McKay and Eric Schechter will start off the discussion, but where it leads is up to you -- we want to hear from all the Red Pills!

Why is TAP holding the Progressive Thought Discussion Group? The goal is to discuss some deep questions such as: What kind of society do we really want? One based on fear, greed, selfishness, looking out for #1, domination of other countries, or one based on interconnectedness, community, sharing, respect, opportunity, equality, generosity and ecological sanity? How can we frame our ideas in a way that resonates with the people of Tennessee? Isn't it time for some new ideas? Some new policies? Some new leaders? Please join us for a lively discussion!

Notes from our past meetings are available on the blog. For more information, go TAP is a think and act tank dedicated to the idea that "We're All In This Together." TAP relies on the generosity of visionaries like you to continue doing our work. You can make a safe online donation to support TAP at the website or you can mail a check to TAP, PO Box 60338, Nashville, TN 37206.


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