Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pots and Pans for Peace

September 21 every year is International Peace Day, and the third Friday of every month is Iraq Moratorium Day. Peace rallies are being held everywhere. Some of the organizations involved are United for Peace and Justice and Vets for Peace . Here in Nashville, the Buddhist Peace Fellowship is having a ceremony at War Memorial Plaza from 11 am to 1:30 pm, to rename it the Peace Memorial Plaza. In the evening, the Molly Ivins Brigade will be joining the Nashville Peace Coalition and for a peace rally. Anyone who is interested is invited.

Eric Schechter, of the Nashville Peace Coalition, writes "from 5 to 7 pm, the Nashville Peace Coalition invites everyone to a peace rally along West End Avenue, in front of Centennial Park, across the street from Borders Books. We hope to be visible to rush hour traffic. This kind of rally is more effective if we have a big crowd, so please come if you can. It will be fun. Bring noisemakers. Bring pots and pans, and wooden spoons to bang them with, in keeping with Molly Ivins's dying wish: "get out there and raise hell for peace." Bring signs -- you can say whatever you want on your signs, but one theme we're hoping to emphasize is that funding should be allocated only for bringing the troops home."


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